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Solar Aesthetics – Setting the Standard

It’s all in the solar design, and the installation details

On this page, please find a comparison between GoSimpleSolar’s aesthetically appealing solar PV systems, and a solar PV system that has been installed with shortcuts. These shortcuts have a huge impact on the visual appeal of a solar PV system, and pad a contractor’s pocket.

Done Right, Solar PV provides 25+ years of financial return. It also will be visible to you and your neighbors for 25+ years.

We will strive to achieve the finest visual appeal possible on EVERY project.
We will provide an initial layout of solar solar panels and other details to you prior to contract.
We will provide a finalized solar PV system design to you for your approval prior to installation.

To improve solar aesthetics in our neighborhoods:
HOMEOWNER’s ASSOCIATIONS must be aware and enforce aesthetic standards to the maximum extent they are allowed, per the California Solar Rights Act: “Reasonable restrictions on a solar energy system as it pertains to restrictions that would significantly increase the cost of the system or significantly decrease its efficiency or specified performance, or that would not allow for an alternative system of comparable cost, efficiency, and energy conservation benefits.
Specifically, “significantly” means an amount not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000) over the system cost as originally specified and proposed, or a decrease in system efficiency of an amount exceeding 10 percent as originally specified and proposed.”

HOMEOWNER’s must be aware of installation details that can be controlled to improve solar aesthetics. See below.

In most cases:

  • All venting can be moved to make an array visually appealing, either square or rectangular
  • Electric conduit can almost always be hidden as well: Rarely it has to remain on the roof for any lengthy and unsightly runs. All electric conduit that is exposed on the side of a home must be painted to match the home for best aesthetics
  • Gaps between modules and rows makes for an unsightly array
  • Solar panels that are OVER the ridge (top of a roof) make for an unsightly array.

SOMETIMES some of these details are unavoidable, but if your home has attic space, and the solar PV system has a properly qualified installation team, your home can have an visually appealing solar PV system installed. Your home’s value will be maximized, and your neighbors will be thankful.
