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Case Study – Davisville Express Lube

Solutions for Every Business

Ray, Tom and Ron, owners of the Davisville Express Lube, wanted to reduce their electricity bills while supporting the local economy. In 2011 they enlisted the help of GoSimpleSolar to find out more about their solar options.

“Through our experiences we’ve recognized the necessity to support domestic jobs and domestic energy creation.”

Rory Wormac


Davisville Express Lube

Lifetime Savings:


Community Benefits:

Equivalent of 1,450 trees planted

Davisville Express Lube Owners

Custom Design Rooftop System

“We must design a system that will maximize the financial benefits that solar has to offer. A custom approach is almost always a necessity when designing a project of this size.”

Mark Becker, President

About Project

  • 9.18 kiloWatt system
  • 36 SolarWorld 255 Watt solar panels
  • 25 years of power production warranted
  • Anchored to the roof for stability
  • Withstands extreme weather conditions
Davisville Express Lube Solar Project

A Solid Business Investment

  • 0% down with a five year capital lease
  • Net Present Value of $40,000 with an Internal Rate of Return of 13.8%
  • Reduces electricity bills by 85%
  • Savings of the system = three times the cost
  • Qualifies for IRS accelerated depreciation and capital lease write-offs

The Financial Returns to the business owners make it clear why over 6,000 commercial projects have been installed in California Alone.