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As I paid for my items recently at Home Depot, I saw a Marine Corps logo on the checkout clerk’s lapel. Instantly the bond of those that have served translated into smiles, and the traditional “Marine greeting” was given. The standard questions were asked to determine if we’ ve previously crossed paths while serving on this continent or some other “clime or place.” Interestingly, we had. Also on duty in Home Depot at that time was a Korean War Veteran and an Iraq/Afghan War Veteran. Between the four of us. we had all the major combat engagements covered from the last 65 years.
Contrary to the manner in which solar PV is marketed by Solar City and other installers, solar RV panels and other solar products arc NOT commodities. Commodities are interchangeable products such as gasoline, coma; or port bellies. Treating solar panels like they are a commodity is the first step in which the salts process can simply become focused on lowest installation cost. The personnel who install the products are not of equivalent qualification either “Commodifying” solar is simple, yet disingenuous and deceptive, but it “simplifies” the sales process for the seller. The longevity claims of solar manufacturers whose products have been in production less than 10 years are founded not in practice. but by internal, NOT independent testing. Some products have been on the market less than tin years and have been subject to recalls, Our licensed electrician recently performed a site visit to a solar project in Lafayette. The solar panels had electrically shorted our and failed. rendering over 50% of the system useless (and also potentially a rim hazard). With proper product and installation team, a solar PV system will safely tenon hundreds of thousands of dollar; in bills NOT paid to PG&E over its lifetime. The only tight answer to “PROVE to me that these products Will List” is manufacturer documentation of 25 plus years of performance history of that product line.
When considering a 25-year investment, ask the difficult questions and demand definitive answer. Data hacks up the fact that solar panels are not created equally (remember, not a commodity). The purchase of a solar PV system can be an extremely simple or difficult process. How that transpires depends on die customer’s desire for knowledge and their choice of installer. In person, with products and documentation at hand, a solar contractor should be able. to allay any trepidations that a customer may have about rooting penetrations and electric integration (solved by our licensed roofer and Licensed electrician), aesthetic concerns (solved by mutual design between installer and homeowner), and initial investment cost (solved by discussing differing payment, loan or Power Purchase Agreement options). All these details should be covered in a 30-minute presentation, all backed up by documentation of everything that is said by the contractor. In most cases, it’s more costly in PGE territory NOT to go solar.
It’s a bit perplexing how some consumers make a solar PV purchase decision solely over the Internet. Our solar showroom is an educational facility set up to help you make the right solar choices, Drop by and we will answer any questions you might have. We’ll also provide comparisons of solar proposals free of charge The knowledge gained in a Mewl-minute visit could save you tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars. For instance, did you know that on January 1″, some Contra Costa County residents will be subject to new regulations that will reduce the amount of roof Spite they can will be subject to new regulations that will reduce the amount of roof space they can use for solar PV? While these new regulations may not affect everyone, more roof space oftentimes equals a higher mum on investment from solar PV.
Much like Mayor Newell Americh and Danville Town Council, I Ionic Depot is an employer Who “walks the walk and talks the talk” when it comes to supporting our veterans or active/reserve service members. Perhaps next door to you there is a WWII veteran (thousands passing, away daily), a Beirut veteran, a Grenada veteran, a Cold War veteran. a Somalia veteran, or a veteran from many of the other scars or actions into which our government has sent our troops into banns way. Veterans are of all race and gender, political persuasion. and economic demographic. On Veteran’s Day. thank a veteran.
By Mark Becker, GoSimpleSolar
Mark Becker is the President of GoSimpleSolar, Semper Fidelis Construction Inc, a Danville based Solar Installation Finn (License 9487151). Mark can be reached at 925.915.9252. Visit GoSimpleSular’s NEW and larger showroom at 100 Railroad Avenue, Suite B. Danville (behind Pete Brass Rail) or, or email